Flawless Rejuvenation logo representing premier skincare and cosmetic services in Melbourne.
Flawless Rejuvenation logo representing premier skincare and cosmetic services in Melbourne.

Flawless – Always in Vogue!

The July edition of Vogue Australia again features the comprehensive Cosmetic Enhancement and Anti-Ageing Biannual.

Flawless Rejuvenation’s Medical Director, Dr. Sean Arendse is featured in several articles including Lip Service (a guide to all things ‘lips’ where Sean speaks about fillers), Tribella and the Look Book.

“Age matters “Lips lose volume as we age because the rate of collagen and elastin production slows, and the destruction of these proteins speeds up,” explains Dr. Arendse. “Environmental factors such as UV rays and smoking also result in thinner lips with poor definition, turned-down corners, and lines and wrinkles around the lips. There are a few easy ways to halt this aging process, such as wearing lip balm that contains SPF and not smoking, but consulting a skilled professional about lip augmentation is also important.”

Vogue Australia | July 2018