Flawless Rejuvenation logo representing premier skincare and cosmetic services in Melbourne.
Flawless Rejuvenation logo representing premier skincare and cosmetic services in Melbourne.

We like to think we’re always in vogue but this month we’re actually IN Vogue. The January issue of @vogueaustralia has a wonderful lift-out magazine called Cosmetic.

As featured in Vogue, Sally was treated with CoolSculpting for a double chin the had always bothered her and treated broken leg vein capillaries with Excel V laser.

“The CoolSculpting treatment on my double chin has given me a much more youthful profile. My friends were impressed, too: they kept saying I looked really well and some even told me I looked younger. I would never have thought that correcting a double chin would have such a dramatic anti-aging effect.”

Vogue Australia | January 2018

One of our gorgeous clients Sally talks about her experiences in the clinic. She talks about CoolSculpting and Excel V. It’s a great read! View the whole article. Thanks Sally!