Flawless Rejuvenation logo representing premier skincare and cosmetic services in Melbourne.
Flawless Rejuvenation logo representing premier skincare and cosmetic services in Melbourne.


Only available in the Hampton clinic

Ever wanted to achieve stronger core muscles, muscle mass, and improved endurance without spending hours in the gym? truFlex may be your ideal treatment. This personalised muscle-sculpting treatment device uses electrical muscle stimulation to deliver muscle contractions that simulate the intensified movements of a regular workout, with studies showing up to 30% muscle mass increase.

15 min per session

No Down Time

Starting at $750



The Benefits

truFlex can offer the following benefits:



        Strengthen your core muscles to combat muscle separation and improve your gym form


        Build definition in your muscles


        Help with muscle pain, including back pain


        Improve your endurance


        Help you reach your health goals



        Increase your muscle mass


        Firm and tone your arms, legs, buttocks, and abs


        Boost your metabolism


        Achieve results equal to hours of hard work spent in the gym

        How it works

        truFlex uses a unique Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology with electrical muscle stimulation to deliver up to 54,000 muscle contractions per session and simultaneously target eight different areas.

        Suitable modes and the treatment progression will depend on your tolerance level to the muscle contractions, and our highly trained staff will make sure your discomfort is monitored and minimised.

        Clinical studies have shown that truFlex patients can experience a 30% increase in muscle mass. These remarkable results may be achieved in as little as four treatments, but additional treatments might be required to achieve the personalised results you desire. Treatments should be performed twice weekly to experience optimal results.


          Ideal Candidate

          Healthy individuals can benefit from truFlex treatments and will see the best results with this treatment. It can also be used therapeutically for individuals suffering from back or knee issues caused by injury or chronic pain. It’s an ideal treatment for building your core or muscles and can help you become more physically active.

          Our provider will discuss if you are a candidate based on your health and medical history during your consultation.

            Personalised Approach

            At Flawless Rejuvenation, we offer a personalised, patient-focused treatment approach. Explore your rejuvenation options with an obligation-free consultation, valued at $50, which is fully redeemable if you proceed with treatment. At your consult, we will:

            Establish your concerns

            And what you hope to achieve

            Provide customised advice

            From trained experts

            Deliver a unique treatment plan,

            Tailored to you and your body

            Highly qualified Doctors

            The treatment is administered by our highly qualified doctors and nurses 

            Before & Afters

            Treatment Areas

            Experience a range of transformative facial treatments that target ageing, hydration, and radiance, tailored to your unique skin needs.

            Obligation Free Consultation

            An obligation-free consultation, valued at $50, which is fully redeemable if you proceed with treatment.

            Treatment Areas

            Experience a range of transformative facial treatments that target ageing, hydration, and radiance, tailored to your unique skin needs.












            What to expect

            Before treatment, it is recommended that you shave any hair present from the treatment areas, ensure you’re well-hydrated, and avoid intense physical exercise for 12 hours before your session.

            To start the treatment, your clinician will place sticky gel pads over the selected muscle areas and apply electrodes to the pads. As the treatment begins, you will feel gentle muscle contraction sensations that slowly increase in intensity, depending on your selected treatment mode. Patients generally report mild to moderate discomfort during truFlex treatment, which is monitored to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during the session.

            truFlex is non-invasive, requires no recovery time, and you’ll be able to return to your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

            Things to consider

            It’s essential to have a consultation with our staff so that they can assess if you’re suitable for truFlex as certain conditions may prevent you from treatment, including:

            • Electrical device implants such as pacemakers and defibrillators
            • Epilepsy
            • Hernia present in the treatment area
            • Cardiac arrhythmias


            After your truFlex treatment, it’s normal to experience the following:

            • Random muscle contractions
            • Slight temporary pinkness of the skin
            • Temporary tingling or numbing sensation for a few hours in the treated areas
            • Minor muscle fatigue or soreness for up to three days – like the feeling of having had a long-overdue intense workout
            • Increased hunger due to heightened metabolic rate – be aware of this and prevent overeating
            • Thirst – drink lots of water
            • Frequent urination or bowel movements

            These are normal post-treatment experiences for individuals and should last a few days, but if any of these symptoms persist or further issues arise, please contact our clinic.

            When will I see the results?

            Results may be visible after the second session, with maximum results visible 8-12 weeks after the last session.

            How long does a truFlex treatment take?

            Depending on your chosen treatment plan, one treatment session can take between 15-45 minutes. We now offer the fleX Plus treatment, which boasts a shorter treatment time. Your clinician will decide which treatment is most appropriate for you.

            How long do results last?

            Results can last around 12 weeks, but you may want further treatments to maintain these improvements. Multiple treatments are usually required to achieve the best results, with most patients opting to have two sessions a week for three weeks to achieve optimal results. A discussion with our highly trained staff with help determine the appropriate number of sessions required to help you maintain your desired outcomes.